The Secret to Successful Relationships is…

It might not necessarily be what you think!

Source: Wattpad

I recently heard one of my idols Tony Robbins say “The secret to living is giving. When you show up to relationships, you show up to give. The moment you enter those spaces expecting something, you’ve already lost”. This changed my world, and I wanted to talk about how this actually allows you to RECEIVE more.

Giving does not mean self-abandoning or pouring from an empty cup. I believe it means giving from your awareness, your kindness, your humility, and your willingness to grow together with a person until you can’t. Giving is just as much about making breakfast for your partner in the morning as it is opening the floor for difficult but necessary conversations.

When we build conscious relationships, we are in a partnership with an understanding that, hopefully, both people are there to with this intention to give. How does this allow us to receive more? Well…

When you know that the person in front of you is showing up to give all they can, you can receive their kindness knowing it’s rooted in their best effort to give with what they have and know right now.

You can only give more by knowing more. We will all fall short in all our relationships, multiple times. How we make space to discuss ourselves and our partner’s shortcomings is how we create safe spaces to heal and connect more deeply. That is the essence of showing up in the spirit of giving: to show up with your best foot forward, giving all you have with what you have at a given moment, knowing that the only way to know more is to experience more. Being open to experiencing more is how we open ourselves up to more love, wisdom, connection, growth, and transformation.

If you’re ready to take that first step towards learning how to give to receive, I encourage you to listen to the newest episode of my podcast to help kickstart that journey, “Monthly Q&A: Does love last, relationship conflict, and choosing how we want to grow”. Click here to listen on your favourite podcast platform!

This is an excerpt copied from my weekly newsletter, The Commitment to Growth Newsletter. If you would like more inspirational personal growth content like this delivered to your inbox each week, enter your email here and receive a free copy of my “Foundations of a Resilient You” Workbook along with your subscription.



Mariana Jimenez (she/her) | Resilience Coach

Founder of Commitment to Growth Resilience Coaching, where I help women heal cycles of dysregulation, disconnection & disempowerment. Likely drinking coffee...