The #1 Thing Needed for True Personal Growth

Most people skip this step and go right to disappointment.

If you focus on creating clarity around this ONE thing, I promise everything in your life will fall into place with much less friction.

Drumroll, please…

Photo by Gaby Bolivar Photography

You can’t experience true growth without authenticity.

Think about it this way: if a caterpillar lives telling itself that it’s always going to be a caterpillar, it will disrupt its natural evolution process and become confused when it grows butterfly wings.

If a rose seed begins to blossom hoping to become a sunflower, it will have to adjust drastically when its red petals sprout.

How are YOU disrupting your natural process of evolution right now?

I like to think of Authenticity as a destination we keep arriving at the more we discover ourselves. It is never one destination, because life is a continuous process of tearing down and rebuilding our self-image. As we adopt new beliefs, redefine our values, unearth our desires, and learn more about the world, we evolve, which requires paving new roads to become new versions of ourselves.

When you ignore life’s nudges that are leading you toward your truth, when you live out of integrity with your values, when you silence your voice and tone down the expression of who you are, you are hindering the creation of the life that is meant for you.

Why? Because the life that is meant for you is born from making the daily uncomfortable choices to live aligned with your truth, not someone else’s.

Maybe you’re in a job where you’ve hit your ceiling of growth. Maybe you’re in an expired relationship. Maybe you’re not dressing with the colours and accessories you want to wear. Maybe you’re not being honest with your mom about how it bugs you that she’s always commenting on your weight, so you keep dieting.

Your authentic expression is the only road you’ve ever had to walk to meet your potential.

What is something simple but significant that you can do today to show the world this beautiful essence within you?

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Mariana Jimenez (she/her) | Resilience Coach

Founder of Commitment to Growth Resilience Coaching, where I help women heal cycles of dysregulation, disconnection & disempowerment. Likely drinking coffee...